I think it's safe to say that there's a lot of details that go into planning a wedding. And details call for decisions. Surprisingly, I haven't encountered as many hard decisions as I thought I would...that being said, it's still early in the game.
However, there's one decision that is proving to be rather difficult. My groom's men. I have a fifth spot and am struggling to fill it. What makes a good groom's man? For awhile, my criteria was something along the lines of who would be there by your side when the sh*t hits the fan? or not-so-much the guy that bails you out of jail, but is in jail with you for whatever shenanigans you were up to.
Also, there's a good possibility that strenuous movement will be called upon from my groom's men. So, I have to ask myself, who can handle a little sweat...AND still look good in a tux?
Anyways, I'm by no means complaining. I love this. It's just fun to speculate on the process.
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